UltraCeram Stainless Steel Benchtop Filter with Ceramic Cartridge


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This stylish and compact stainless steel benchtop water filter is ideal for use in rental properties or where you may like to often travel and have the option of taking your water filter with you. Taking less than 30 seconds to disconnect at home and reconnect to another tap this provides economical filtered water when on holiday staying in a motel room or caravan (stowing it in the sink on a towel when travelling).

The Ultraceram is a ceramic cartridge designed and manufactured in the UKĀ and is certified for the removal of parasites and bacteria making it safe to use on bore and other untreated water sources. It also internally has a specially formulated carbon block which enables it to remove an extensive range of chemicals, chloramines and heavy metals from the water. The core of this filter has a twelve-month life for a family of four when used for all your drinking, cooking, food preparation and ice production in the family Kitchen. When the water flow slows as sediments build up on the ceramic shell, you simply remove the cartridge, scrub off the discoloured outer layer with a green Scotchbrite type pad or stiff brush and then re-install.

The 0.5 micron absolute rated (not to be confused with Nominal rated) pores in the Ceramic outer shell create an physical barrier for Bacteria and Parasites which have a size range of 3 to 8 microns.

The incorporation of silver locked within the ceramic structure inhibits the growth of bacteria.

Replacement candles cost $99.00

The Ultraceram holds accreditation from the National Sanitation Foundation.